Stormwater and Green Infrastructure for Combined Sewer Systems Webcast

The Stormwater Coalition of Albany County is sponsoring a free Center for Watershed Protection (CWP) webcast titled “Stormwater and Green Infrastructure for Combined Sewer Systems”. Many older cities in the United States still use combined sewer systems, which carry both sewage and stormwater in the same pipe to treatment facilities that remove pollutants before releasing it into nearby waterways. Combined sewer overflows (CSOs) can occur when these systems are overwhelmed due to large amounts of precipitation or blockages in the system, resulting in direct discharge of untreated water directly into streams and rivers.

One method to reduce CSOs is by reducing the amount of stormwater runoff volume entering the system. Stormwater practices including Green Infrastructure (GI) can be used to infiltrate precipitation and provide runoff reduction helping to reduce the incidence of overflow. In this webcast we will look at some of the most common GI practices that can be used and some case studies from communities using these practices to help to address CSOs.

The webcast will take place on Wednesday, September 12, from 1pm to 2:30pm at the Town of Colonie, Public Operations Center, 347 Old Niskayuna Road, Latham, NY. If you’d like to attend, please e-mail or call to reserve a seat: or 447-5645. For more information, check out the event’s flyer here.