Land Use & Transportation
The Capital District Regional Planning Commission works jointly with staff from the Capital District Transportation Committee (CDTC), the area’s federally-designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), to understand and improve the relationship between regional development patterns and their effect on the transportation system.
As part of these efforts, the Commission uses its Geographic Information System to map and analyze regional growth and demographic patterns. Theses maps can be viewed by viewing our Regional Maps.
CDRPC also participates on Linkage Plan advisory committees. CDTC’s Community and Transportation Linkage Planning Program is an integrated land use and transportation planning program created to implement the New Visions regional transportation plan. The program provides financial and technical assistance to local communities for planning, with particular emphasis on projects that support implementation of innovative transportation and land use concepts.
CDRPC publishes land use reports, some of which were independently commissioned and other that were developed as part of the New Visions plan. CDRPC also participated in the development of the Capital Region Sustainability Plan. Copies of the most recent plans are available below.
Capital District Community Growth Profiles »
Alternative Growth and Development Scenarios reviews what might happen if Regional population and employment growth departs from recent trends, and whether the form of the growth may be significantly impacted by CDTC’s transportation policies.
Effects of Alternative Development Scenarios in the Capital District by CDRPC
Larger than Regional Policy Concepts reviews the issues surrounding various policies such as annexation, tax sharing, and revisions of State planning and zoning statutes.
Larger than Regional Policy Concepts by CDRPC
New Centers includes case studies that show how traditional urban design techniques (New Urbanism) can be utilized to help implement regional smart growth development goals. In the first three examples, all from the Denver, Colorado region, the specific developments were carried out within a single municipality. The final examples, from the Portland, Oregon region, represent a combination of both local and regional design strategies working in concert to shape an entire region.
Creating Healthy Places in Rensselaer County analyzes land use and transportation patterns in Rensselaer County and discusses ways to shape the built environment to make it more conducive to walking and biking.