Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC) Updates
The Capital District Regional Planning Commission works with the Northern Border Commission to obtain economic development funding for local communities. Currently NBRC is working on the State Economic & Infrastructure Development (SEID) Investment Program funding. Any future opportunities or funding will be posted and updated here.
NBRC Website:https://www.nbrc.gov/
NBRC SEID Overview Page: https://www.nbrc.gov/content/economic-infrastructure-development-investments
For further question on potential NBRC projects in the Capital Region, please contact Kate Maynard, AICP at kate.maynard@cdrpc.org

Current News
NBRC’s State Economic and Infrastructure Development Investment Program provides $5.8M in 2022 in funding available for NYS. Up to $1 Million is available for eligible infrastructure projects (includes transportation, basic public, telecommunications, renewable and alternative energy infrastructure) and up to $350,000 for other eligible projects (includes Business and Workforce Development, Basic Health Care, Resource Conservation, Tourism, and Recreation).