Capital District Youth Center, Inc


Audit Services

RFP #01-2024

May 15, 2024 Deadline

The Capital District Youth Center Inc. is seeking proposals for auditing services for a three year period beginning with the 2023 fiscal/calendar year ending December 31, 2023.

The Capital District Youth Center, Inc. (CDYCI) was formed in 1997 as a Type C corporation under the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law, more particularly as defined in Section 102, Subparagraph (a)(5) and Section 201 of the New York State Not-for-Profit Corporation Law.  The corporation was created pursuant to Article 5G of the New York General Municipal Law via a Municipal Cooperation Agreement dated February 1, 1997, by and among the Counties of Albany, Rensselaer, Saratoga, and Schenectady, to finance, acquire, construct, and equip a secure juvenile detention center for youth, and to share the expenses of operating the facility.  The Capital District Regional Planning Commission is responsible for the administration and operation of the facility.  The Executive Director of the Commission also serves as the Chief Administrator of the detention facility.

Here is a link to the 2023 CDYCI Budget vs. Actual report for your review, depicting CDYCI’s 2023 Budget at approximately $11.6 million.  The Center’s net position decreased by approximately $7,000 for this year.  The Center’s current assets increased over the previous year by approximately $230,000.00 due primarily to an increase in Accounts Receivable from Counties along with cash flow timing.

The audit shall be conducted in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards and shall include such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as are considered necessary under the circumstances.  The audit shall be made for the purpose of rendering an opinion on the fairness of presentation of the financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

Scope of Services:

Audit CDYCI’s general purpose financial statements in accordance with U.S. Accounting Standards and Government Auditing Standards.

Financial Statements shall be prepared including:

  • Balance sheets
  • Related statements of revenue, expenditure, and fund equity
  • Changes in Fund Balance
  • Revenue and expenditure – budgeted and actual

Present the audit findings to the CDYCI Board at one of its Board meetings during 2024, but no later than at the October meeting.

It is understood that CDYCI will provide the basic information required for the audit and that CDYCI is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of that information.  The selected firm shall meet with CDRPC staff prior to the audit to discuss the scope, tasks, process, and timeline.  Staff shall be available as a resource during the entire audit process.

Proposal Submittal:

Proposals may be submitted electronically by midnight, May 15, 2024 in the form of PDF files to  Proposals submitted via USPS mail must be postmarked no later than May 15, 2024.

The receipt of all proposals, whether mailed or e-mailed, will be acknowledged.

The RFP does not commit CDYCI to award a contract or pay the costs incurred in the preparation of any proposal.  CDYCI reserves the right to accept, amend, or reject any or all proposals received, or to cancel this RFP.

Any questions about this RFP should be in writing and directed to:

Amy Weinstock

Office Manager

Proposal Requirements:

  • Firm Qualifications & Experience
  • Qualifications of the engagement team
  • An outline of the audit objectives and approach
  • A representative listing of nonprofit/government clients
  • An outline of professional fees for each of the three years

Evaluation Criteria:

Proposals will be evaluated based on qualifications, references, and fees.