Housing Trends: Capital District Data for January/February
Is the Model Shifting in the Capital Region?
The January/February issue of Capital District Data is now available. In this issue, we examine regional trends among homeowners and renters. Housing options and affordability are key components to a successful and diverse community. However recent trends and news articles about a shift from a homeowner model to increasingly a renter model have grabbed our attention. What do options look like in the Capital Region?
- In this issue of Capital District Data, we examine:
- Households (homeowners or renters) spending 30% or more on housing
- Median monthly housing costs for homeowners and renters
- Household Tenure
- Household Tenure by Age Cohort (15-34 years of age)
- Household Income Distribution
While it’s too early to know if we are experiencing a fundamental shift in the ownership model, it is clear that, for the short term, tastes and desires have been altered. Read more in this month’s issue below.