CDRPC Grant Funding Workshop

Wednesday, April 12, 2017 starting at 8am
HVCC Bulmer Telecommunications Building

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New for 2017, the Capital District Regional Planning Commission, in partnership with a variety of
agencies and organizations, will hold a day-long grant workshop at Hudson Valley Community College.


This event is for grant seekers, applicants, and managers. The workshop’s objective is to help attendees prepare to apply for competitive grant programs. The workshop will feature general sessions on grant writing and grants management using case study examples. Presenters will review the Consolidated Funding Application process from start to finish. During concurrent sessions, agency representatives will participate in a series of breakout sessions about grants available for water quality, energy and sustainability, and community development projects. Finally, CDRPC’s staff will be available throughout the day for one-on-one consultations about data and information commonly requested in grant applications.

Confirmed funding agency partners include: NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, NYS Department of State, NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, NYS Office of Homes and Community Renewal, the NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation, NYS Department of Transportation, Capital District Transportation Committee.

Grant program funding areas include climate & energy, water quality, green infrastructure, “Main Street” improvements, local government efficiency, parks & recreation, trails & bike/ ped facilities and roadway and bridge funding.

Sponsorships Available! Contact us for more information.