2017 State Data Center Annual Affiliate Meeting Presentations
Presentations from the 2017 State Data Center Annual Affiliate Meeting are now available. The conference was an opportunity to discuss upcoming topics such as LUCA training, the 2020 Census, and the Bureau’s new dissemination platform.
2020 Census Local Update of Census Address Operation LUCA (Web Adams)
This presentation provides an overview of the Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA) operations including, what is LUCA, how to participate, why it’s important, and the schedule going forward.
CEDSCI for State Data Center Affiliates (Ally Burleson-Gibson)
A presentation on the new data dissemination platform from the Census Bureau. This new platform will eventually replace American Fact Finder as the primary tool for searching for Census and American Community Survey data.
Census 2020 (Cate Bohn)
A discussion about the importance of participation in the 2020 Census and how it is different from Census’ in the past.
Getting Ready for LUCA (Jan Vink, Warren Brown)
A detailed review of LUCA operations. The presentation stresses the need for LUCA participation regarding updating addresses.
Key Census Bureau Economic Programs and Tools (Andrew W. Hait)
This presentation reviews various Census Bureau surveys including the 2017 Economic Census, the Annual Survey of Entrepreneurs, and data tools for businesses.Video of the presentation can be found here: NYS State Data Center Economic Program Tools
The LEHD Program and LED Partnership (Earlene Dowell, Joyce Hahn, Heath Hayward)
A review of LEHD and LED programs and partnerships, and the various dissemination tools used for navigating the data. These tools include Job to Job Flows, OnTheMap, WQI Explorer, and LED Extraction Tool.
Transit Route Market Analysis
Highlights the use of LODES data to measure changes in transit patters between work and home. Distinguishes LODES data for LEHD and ACS Journey to Work datasets.
LED Webinar
A good overview of LED products such as OnTheMap
NYS State Data Center Update on Boundary Annexation Survey
A video recording of a presentation on the Boundary and Annexation Survey. This video provides an overview of the survey and why it is conducted.