Federal Funding Opportunities for Local Governments

The CARES Act was enacted on March 27, 2020 and provided a total of $2.2 Trillion in federal funding for COVID-19 related recovery. While much of the current climate will continue to focus on assisting small businesses in great need, the CARES Act also provides substantial initial funding for states and local municipalities. Here are some funding programs targeted to, or of potential interest to local governments with allocated funding known at this time. As more specific program criteria, eligibility and availability becomes known, it will be listed here.

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding-HUD

Appropriation: $5 billion

$2 Billion of the total aid will follow the same formula as 2020 CDBG regular allocations. Capital Region cities with their additional funding to be received are listed in the spreadsheet below-


An additional $1 Billion will be distributed to all 50 States for distribution to communities. The remaining $2 Billion will remain under the administration of HUD which can choose to allocate based on their discretion. Criteria for this $2 Billion is still to be created as of April 9, 2020.


Government Coronavirus Relief Fund- U.S. Treasury

Appropriation: $150 Billion

$139 Billion will be provided to states directly for distribution to states, local, and tribal governments. Funding can cover unbudgeted expenses related to pandemic. Only local governments with populations over 500,000 are eligible for funding. This means no community within the Capital Region will receive direct funding, that it instead would come through New York State.


Homeless Assistance Grant Program-HUD

Appropriation: $4 Billion


Tenant Based Rental Assistance – HUD

Appropriation: $1.25 Billion


Project Based Rental Assistance-HUD

Appropriation: $1 Billion


Public Housing Opportunity- HUD

Appropriation: $685 Million


Economic Adjustment Assistance Program- EDA

Appropriation: $1.5 Billion

States and communities will be able to apply for funding from the U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration (EDA) to plan and implement economic recovery strategies in response to the coronavirus pandemic. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act; P.L. 116-136) includes $1.5 billion for EDA to administer grants through its established Economic Adjustment Assistance (EAA) program.

CDRPC is the local development district and liaison to the Capital Region for the EDA, more information will be provided on this funding opportunity as soon as details emerge.


Community Service Block Grant-HHS

Appropriation: $1 Billion

Health and Human Services administers this grant program for states and local community-based organizations to provide a wide range of human, social services and emergency assistance. The NYS DOS Division of Community Services will administer the program for NYS.


USDA Grant Sources

USDA Immediate Measures to Help Rural Residents, Businesses and Communities Affected by COVID-19

USDA Distance Learning and Telemedicine Grant Program Funding

FEMA Disaster Resources