2000 Census
The first release from the Census Bureau was detailed population data by race and Hispanic origin for redistricting purposes. The PL94 data are available down to the Block level (Census Geographic Hierarchy: Census Tract, Block Group, Block). The second major release, SF1, contains the 100% count data (i.e., data from the short form questionnaires which everyone received) down to the Block level for general items and to the Census Tract level for data by detailed racial and ethnic classifications. The third major release, SF3, contains detailed social, economic, and housing data estimated from the results of the long Census form, which approximately one in six persons received.
2000 Census Summary File 3 Social, Economic, & Housing Demographics
Listing of Summary File 3 Tables, including title, universe, file location, and smallest unit of Census geography (29-page, 127 Kb PDF)
Complete Summary File 3 Table Listing, including all of the above and individual field names (286-page, 1,176 Kb PDF)
2000 Census Social Characteristics Demographic Profile Data for Capital District Municipalities, the Region, the Albany-Schenectady-Troy Metropolitan Statistical Area, New York State, and the United States(36 page, 233 Kb PDF)
2000 Census Economic Characteristics Demographic Profile Data for Capital District Municipalities, the Region, the Albany-Schenectady-Troy Metropolitan Statistical Area, New York State, and the United States(36 page, 239 Kb PDF)
2000 Census Housing Characteristics Demographic Profile Data for Capital District Municipalities, the Region, the Albany-Schenectady-Troy Metropolitan Statistical Area, New York State, and the United States(36 page, 220 Kb PDF)
1990 & 2000 Social Characteristics Profile Data for Capital District Municipalities, the Region, and New York State(34 page, 218 Kb PDF)
Change in 1990-2000 Social Characteristics Profile Data for Capital District Municipalities, the Region, and New York State (34 page, 227 Kb PDF)
1990 & 2000 Economic Characteristics Profile Data for Capital District Municipalities, the Region, and New York State(34 page, 220 Kb PDF)
Change in 1990-2000 Economic Characteristics Profile Data for Capital District Municipalities, the Region, and New York State (34 page, 220 Kb PDF)
1990 & 2000 Housing Characteristics Profile Data for Capital District Municipalities, the Region, and New York State(34 page, 206 Kb PDF)
Change in 1990-2000 Housing Characteristics Profile Data for Capital District Municipalities, the Region, and New York State(34 page, 224 Kb PDF)
Technical Documentation for Social, Economic, & Housing Demographic Profiles (43 page, 157 Kb PDF)
2000 Census Demographic Profiles
2000 Census Demographic Profiles for Capital District Municipalities, the Region, the Albany-Schenectady-Troy Metropolitan Statistical Area, New York State, and the United States 2000 Census Demographic Profiles for Capital District Municipalities, the Region, the Albany-Schenectady-Troy Metropolitan Statistical Area, New York State, and the United States (30 page, 193 Kb PDF)
2000 Census Demographic Profile for the United States with Full Definitions (9 page, 157 Kb PDF)
Capital District PL94 Data
The Planning Commission’s first 2000 Census publication is a series of tables showing all the Region’s municipal populations by detailed race and by Hispanic origin. The second table displays basic race and Hispanic origin data at the Census Tract, Block Group, and Block levels.
Capital District PL94 Data for Municipalities(66-page, 330 Kb PDF)
Capital District PL94 Data for CTs, BGs, & Blocks (810-page, 4,306 Kb PDF)