Albany Pool Communities Combined Sewer Overflow Long Term Control Plan

Martin Daley
Director of Water Quality Programs
phone 518.453.0850

About the Albany Pool Communities Combined Sewer Overflow Long Term Control Plan



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06172015 CDRPC Rensselaer County Sewer District
Martin Reid, Chair of the Rensselaer County Legislature, is joined by members of the Albany Pool Communities and partners to highlight recent improvements to the Rensselaer County Sewer District’s disinfection system which will improve water quality in the Hudson River.

The Capital District Regional Planning Commission has taken the lead in organizing a consortium to develop a comprehensive inter-municipal Phase I Long-Term Control Plan (LTCP) for Combined Sewer Overflows (CSO: overflows from combined storm & sanitary sewers) discharging into the Hudson River Estuary. The participating Albany Pool communities are the Albany Water Board; the cities of Cohoes, Rensselaer, Troy and Watervliet; and the Village of Green Island. Each community currently has its own State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) permit. The Albany & Rensselaer County Sewer Districts are also partners in the consortium. Check out the Albany Pool Communities CSO LTCP Brochure Scroll down for status updates and reports.

Click here for a presentation on the program

What are Combined Sewers?

Combined sewer systems (CSS) are sewer systems that are designed to collect storm water runoff, domestic sewage, and industrial wastewater in the same pipe and bring it to the publicly owned treatment works (POTW) facilities.

During rain events, when storm water enters the sewers, the capacity of the sewer system may be exceeded and the excess water will be discharged directly to a waterbody (rivers, streams, estuaries, and coastal waters).

csodiagram325The untreated water may contain untreated sewage that may impact human health. For information about the general CSO wet weather advisory and links to the CSO outfall map visit the CSO Wet Weather Advisory web page.

Albany Pool CSO Long Term Control Plan – This page provides information on the Long Term Control Plan to significantly reduce the direct discharge of stormwater diluted with sewage in the Hudson River.

The Albany Pool of the Hudson River currently has 92 Combined Sewer Overflow points. Combined sewer systems are designed to discharge directly to surface bodies of water such as rivers, estuaries, and coastal waters during wet weather when total flows exceed the capacity of the combined sewer system or the treatment plant.

In 2007, the Pool Communities began working together to develop a joint Long Term Control Plan. The plan was created to study the current health of the Hudson River, identify programs and projects that will aid in the clean-up of the river, and through a sophisticated modeling system and post construction testing program, and demonstrate the effectiveness of the program.

Working with the Department of Environmental Conservation, the Pool will implement more than 50 projects and programs that will significantly improve the water quality of the Hudson River and its tributaries.

Implementation of the Albany Pool Communities’ LTCP is already underway. The communities have developed and executed the intermunicipal agreement that will guide the shared implementation of programs and projects.  The communities have also established a Local Development Corporation that will take on the role of administrator.

As the program is implemented, further sampling and analysis of the Hudson River and its tributaries will take place, allowing the Albany Pool Communities to measure the ongoing success of the program.


Combined Sewer Overflow Discharge Notification System

The Albany Pool Communities have jointly developed this web-based information service that provides easy access to alerts for potential for CSO activity in the Capital region. Visit the website at

Note: The Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Notification System is not currently supported by Firefox.

Program Metrics

Areas of Concern Baseline End of Program
Untreated CSO Volume (Millions of gallons) 1236 610
Number of Events 65 65
Wet Weather Flow Treated (Millions of gallons 2827 3453
Pool-Wide Percent
69.5% 85%
CSO Flow Receiving Floatables Capture 27 454
Pool-Wide Treatment & Floatables Capture 70.1% 88.8%
Disinfection at Treatment Plants No Seasonal
Fecal Coliform Water Quality Standard Violations 30 0


LTCP Green Infrastructure

In addition to several demonstration projects, the Albany Pool CSO LTCP supports the implementation of several Green Infrastructure (GI) strategies. The APCs have implemented a robust Green Infrastructure Program which has evaluated the effectiveness of “green practices” through codes and local law review and performed a feasibility assessment for a “Green Infrastructure Banking System”; and the implementation of additional demonstration projects. Development of a pool-wide Green Infrastructure Tool Box is underway. The Communities have committed to document and report new public and private development projects within the APCs to the Department in an annual report.

Scope of Work

Albany Pool Communities CSO Long Term Control Plan In The News