Capital District Data

Capital District Data is CDRPC’s quarterly newsletter, with regular annual features on Regional trends such as municipal property tax rates, Multiple Listing Service (MLS) home sales, municipal building permit activity, poverty thresholds, public school data, taxable sales, Census estimates, CDRPC projections, Consumer Prices, employment, unemployment, and unemployment rates.

Capital District Data Current & Past Issues »

Community Fact Sheets

The Commission’s Community Fact Sheets contain socioeconomic data and location maps for each county, city, town and village in the Capital District region.

Community Fact Sheets »

Consumer and Producer Price Index

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a measure of the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a pre-determined selection of consumer goods and services.  The Producer Price Index (PPI) measures the average change over time in the selling prices received by domestic producers for their output.

CPI and PPI »

Census Data

The Commission has published the Census data in various forms on this site.  We maintain the current and prior Census information on our website.  For data prior to the 2000 Census, please contact us.

Census Data »


The Capital District Regional Planning Commission provides access to regional demographic information including age cohort projections, children per housing unit, vital statistics (births and deaths), other regional indicators, and access to the American Community Survey.

Demographic Data »


The Capital District Regional Planning Commission provides access to regional economic information including cost of living index, municipal finance, property taxes, and school district finance.

Economic Data »


The Capital District Regional Planning Commission provides access to regional economic information including building permit data and housing sales.

Housing Data »

Labor Force

The Commission publishes regional employment and unemployment information from the New York State Department of Labor and employment projections developed the Commission.

Labor Force Data »


The Capital District Regional Planning Commission collects, analyzes, and reports various sources of information on the region’s population.  This includes census counts, estimates, and projections.

Population Data »